Earth’s Pull explores the concept of equilibrium through the catenary curve, which naturally forms in response to gravitational forces. The mass beneath our feet works in harmony with gravity, transforming what would otherwise be soft and unruly lines into stable, graceful curves. Conceptually, Earth’s Pull exists at the intersection of tangible natural forces and abstract extremes of information. Its lateral cross-section aligns with the staggering 1.317 x 10^25 pounds of planetary matter, while the 250 individual lengths of 1.5 inch diameter lightweight cordage have the capacity to lift over 10 million pounds when combined. Yet, much like individual hairs, the suspended strands dare to register an inconsequential breeze.

My Role

In this project, my role included conceptual development, design refinement, parametric design, modeling, drafting, post-production rendering, final image processing, as well as the handling and unloading of materials.

Faulders Studio team

Thom Faulders, Yue Liu, Baowen Jiang

Artist in Residence at Google ATAP

Advanced Technology and Projects

Mountain View, CA_2021